Thursday, January 9, 2020

Guns, Germs and Steel continued

Hey Blog!

Today we continued watching Guns, Germs, and Steel. Here are my notes:
  • People started growing their own food and stying in one location.
  • became the first farmers in the world.
  • Plant domestication=farming
  • Chose plants that were the best and used them to grow more of the same quality produce.
  • Places where the first farming happened
    • China-rice
    • Americas-corn, squash, beans
    • Africa- sorgum, millet, yams
  • Civilizations advanced because of farming
    • exception: Papua New Guinea
    • Why no civilization?
      • Only have sago, taro root, and bananas
      • no grain
      • can't be stored
      • low protein
    • People with access to the best crops had the best civilization 
  • 9,000 years ago
    • animal domestication
    • people control movement, feeding, and breeding of animals
    • used meat, milk, and fur/skin
    • can eat stubble after the harvest and fertilize the ground
    • Goats and sheep were the first to be domesticated
    • after came pigs, cows, and horses
    • could pull a plow through the fields, help with farming
  • Papua New Guinea only has pigs
    • can only get meat
    • no milk or fur
    • can't help farm
  • 14 animals have been domesticated
    • goats
    • sheep
    • pigs
    • cows
    • horses
    • donkeys
    • Bactrian camels
    • arabian camels
    • water buffalo
    • llamas
    • reindeer
    • yaks
    • mithans (ox)
    • bali cattle

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