Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Khan Academy Video:
1. Right now most countries have positive growth, which means their population is getting bigger.
2. Growth rate measure how much country shrinks or grows over a period of time.
3. Immigration, emigration, births, and deaths are totaled to find the growth rate of any place.

Video from Kim Smith:
1. From the agricultural revolution till the industrial revolution the worlds population only grew by 67,000 people every year, now we get that many every 6 to 7 hours.
2. Mortality and fertility rates have dropped with industrialization.
3. A woman's status was decided based on how many children she had, especially if they were boys instead of girls.

Why Populations Grow:
1. The growth rates from less developed countries are very rapid, while economically developed countries have slow growth.
2. Japan is expected to lose 21 percent of its population by 2050.
3. Doubling time is the time it takes a country to double in size.

My favorite video was the Khan Academy one because, it was easier to understand because of the drawings. I could visualize it better because I could see it instead of trying to comprehend it just in my head. It had a lot of good information and examples that helped me understand the topic. It was helpful that it used a made up country to explain how growth rate is found and the different factors that go into growth rate.

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