Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Demographic Transition

Hey Blog :)

Today we talked about demographic transition, Demographic transition is the process of change in a society's population from high crude birth and death rates and a low rate of natural increases a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and higher total population. The first stage of demographic transition is Low Growth. In this stage there is a very high CBR, a very high CDR and a very low NIR. Most of human history was spend in stage 1. Next is stage 2, High Growth. Stage 2 has a high CBR, a rapidly declining CDR and a very high NIR. This stage happened during the Industrial Revolution and the Medical Revolution. The next stage is stage 3, moderate growth. It has a rapidly declining CBR, a moderately declining CDR, and a moderate NIR. When a society is going through this stage there are fewer children being born. Stage 4 is low growth. There is a very low CBR, a low or slightly increasing CDR and a zero or negative NIR. This is called zero population growth. Some countries such as Japan, Italy and Germany are in the stage right now. There is a stage 5 but no one know what its like yet.

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