Thursday, April 16, 2020

Plato's Best and Worst Ideas

1) How did Plato define The Forms?

  • Plato defined The Forms as a world beyond our imperfect world that had unchanging perfect forms of things of our world. They are ideal versions of things and ideas around us that serve as a guide to our world. Also that our reality is made up of imperfect copies of the ideal forms.

2) Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society?

  • The three groups are producers, military, and rulers.
3) What were Plato’s thoughts on women?

  • Platos had different thoughts on women at different times. He believed that women should be equally able to rule in a model society. At other times he said that women were equal to children. He also believed that a woman's womb was a live animal that could move around the body and cause illness.
4) What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed?

  • The Noble Lie that Plato proposed is that we are all born with gold, silver, or a mix of brass and iron in our souls which are used to determine our roles in life. 

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