Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Greek Theater

1)  Describe the kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of ancient Greece.

    • There were two different kinds of dramas, comedy and tragedy. A comedy is humorous play with slapstick situations and crude humor. Playwrights made fun of politics and people and their ideas. A tragedy is a serious drama about love, hate, war, and betrayal. The plays had a tragic hero with a tragic flaw that eventually leads to their downfall.

2) Describe the similarities between an ancient Greek production and a film you have seen recently. The Greek production – and the film – can be either a comedy or a tragedy.

    • I recently watched The Platform. It is a tragedy. The tragic hero/ main character, Goreng tries to make everyone in the prison get the same amount of food, instead of the people at the bottom getting less than the people at the top. His tragic flaw was his kindness, because in the end he ended up at the bottom where he most likely starved to death. The Platform had many of the same elements as a tragedy in Greek times.

3) Find an online image of a theater from ancient Greece, and describe it in a few sentences.

There is a lot of seating where many spectators would come to watch the plays. In the center is where the actors would be. The chorus and band would also be in the middle, but kind of hidden from the audience.

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