Monday, February 10, 2020

Ancient Greece Questions

Page 126 Questions #1, 3, 4, 5

1) Mycenaean: The people that settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 BC.
     Trojan War: A 10 year war against the Mycenaeans and Troy
     Dorians: A group of people that settled into the war-torn countryside after the Trojan War around 1200 BC.
     Homer: A blind man who was said to be the greatest star teller in Greece
     Epics: Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds.
     Myths: Traditional Stories

3) Nearness to the sea, gave Greeks many transportation routes and it connected Greece with other societies around them. They traded with other lands to get the resources that they needed. The different cultures they were trying with impacted Greece because of cultural diffusion.

4) The Mycenaeans adopted the Minoan writing system and turned it into Greek and they decorated vases with Minoan designs. The Minoans influenced the religions practices, art, politics, and literature.

5) The epics were important to the Greeks in the Dorian period, because their economy collapsed and they stopped writing things down for about 400 years. So in order to learn their history they heard stories about the past in the form of epics.

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