Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Notes from pages 127-133


  • POLIS: the mane for a city-state
  • ACROPOLIS: The fortified hilltop where citizens gathered to discuss city gov
  • MONARCHY: A government ruled by a single person like a king or queen
  • ARISTOCRACY: A government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families
  • OLIGARCHY: A government ruled by a few powerful people
  • TYRANT: Powerful individuals/nobles that seized control of the government by appealing to the common people for support.
  • DEMOCRACY: Government ruled by the people
  • HELOTS: Peasants forced to stay on the land they worked on
  • PHALANX: A fighting formation that became the most powerful fighting for in the ancient world
  • PERSIAN WARS: Wars between Greece and the Persian Empire
  • A polis was made up of a city and the surrounding countryside
  • had between 50-500 square miles of territory
  • fewer than 10,000 residents
  • City states had different forms of gov
    • monarchy
    • aristocracy 
    • oligarchy
  • Clashes between rulers and common people
  • Tyrants sometimes took control 
    • nor considered harsh/cruel
    • provided jobs and housing for people
  • Representative gov became more common
    • Athens
      • power struggles between rich and poor
    • Moved towards democracy
    • Draco took power in 621 BC
      • Developed a legal code
        • Rich and poor under law are equal
        • punished criminals with death 
        • debt slavery
    • Solon came to power in 594 BC
      • no citizen shall own another citizen (no slavery)
      • Top 3 classes could hold government office
      • All could participate in the Athenian Assembly
    • Cleisthenes came to power around 500 BC
      • Council of Five Hundred
      • limited democracy
  • Wealthy fans received formal education
    • started at age 7
    • grammar, reading, poetry, history, math, music
    • Boy: logic and public speaking
      • military school
    • Girls stayed home
      • some learned to read and write
    • Sparta
      • military state
      • conquered Messenia
        • they revolted
        • did not succeed
      • Gov had branches
      • Council of elders
      • Spartan men were expected to serve in army until age 60
      • Girls ran, wrestled, played sports
      • had freedom
  • Persian Wars
    • rich saved in armies
    • later ordinary citizens could afford it
    • Persians conquered coast of Anatolia which belonged to Greece
    • Started war
    • Greece revolted
*fighting back and forth*
    • Greece eventually won
    • Florished after war
      • Golden Age

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