Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Plato's Allegory of the cave

Hey blog!

Today Mr. Schick and Izzy read Plato's Allegory of the cave. The first part described what was happening inside the cave. There were some prisoners shackled so that they could not move their bodies or their heads. They had been in the cave their entire lives and had never seen the outside world or the sunlight. The prisoners were shackled so that they were forced to look at a wall. Behind them was a small wall and a walkway infant of a fire. From behind the wall the guards would hold up objects in front of the fire which would reflect shadows onto the wall that the prisoners were looking at. When the people would do that they would say what the objects were to the people. The objects were just shadows so they were unclear to the prisoners. The prisoners were forced to believe what they were seeing and being told, because that's all they knew, so they didn't think to question if what they were seeing was realer not. Part 2 was when one of the prisoners was dragged out of the underground cave. It talked about whether or not the prisoner would believe what they were seeing and if they would trust what they knew before or if they would trust the new things that they're seeing. Part 3 was when they took the prisoner out and walked he up a mountain his eyes were burned because of the sunlight that they had never seen before. He couldn't see that full world around him because he was shielding his eyes. This part talked about how he learned that the sun grants the seasons and time and changes around him and that the sun governs everything around it. later on he got used to the brightness and could see the world around him and even look directly at the sun. He considered himself lucky for seeing the outside world, but it also considered the fact that he could also envy the people still inside the cave. He went back to the cave and his eyes were once again filled with darkness. He told them what he saw and they didn't believe him and they ridiculed him for it. They aid it wasn't worth going outside and ruining his eyes. They eventually kill him for his new knowledge. The message of the story is that if you have a new outlook on something or a different opinion on something or you know something that others do not, people won't be openminded or believe what you are saying. Because the world is close minded to people who are different. It also shows that seeing the full truth can be difficult but once you do it is worth it.

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