Monday, March 30, 2020

Personal Essay

Cyber school day #15

Today on Mr. Schick's blog he wrote about be accountable for our work in these difficult times and that we need to strive to be good, hard working people in the time of this crisis. I agree with everything that he wrote. This is a confusing time for everyone and we all have to hold ourselves to the same standards as before, so that we can get through it. 
I think that at this time everyone, teachers and students, have to understand that all of this is new. We all have to understand that it is a difficult transition from our "normal". I would hope that teachers realize that their students are adjusting to online school and the increased workload and may need time to get used to this. I was nervous that teachers would have the same standards as they do normally, because I didn't think that I could keep up with it all, but after a couple days I realized that if I stay focused and worked hard I can still do the same work that I would normally. Its hard to put the same effort in, but I know that I have to in order to maintain a good grade and not fall behind on assignments. Even though everyone should continue to work hard, teachers should be patient with students because completing all of the online assignments can be a difficult task. Students should also be patient with teachers, if they don't respond to emails quickly or make mistakes. We all are still getting used to this, but we also have to strive to keep doing honest work and trying our best.  If we continue doing these things it will keep us from falling into bad habits that we will have to correct later. The increased workload is hard for everyone so we all need to understand that and work to overcome it instead of letting it pile up and overwhelm us. Its a chaotic time but we will get through it together. It had been hard work keeping up with everything but I still managed to do it, so I think everyone else can too. We shouldn't fall into copying work and submitting assignments that aren't ours, because we wouldn't if we were in school so we should now. If we are patient and understanding with each other, and work hard we can be good people and stay strong in the crisis.

1 comment:

  1. You have an excellent handle on this difficult situation, Charlotte. I think your positive attitude, and your diligence, will get you through this, no matter how long we are in cyber school. Keep up the great work!
