Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Future Self Letter

Dear Future Charlotte Peverley,

The year is 2020. I’m sure you remember it, considering it was a year full of momentous, shocking, and unexpected events. Let's take a look back: Fires spreading rapidly across Australia that burned tens of millions of acres of land, killing wildlife and destroying homes everywhere. Next we have the killing of an Iranian general with a drone strike that almost sent the US into WWIII. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the royal life behind them. The impeachment trial of US president Donald Trump. Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi are killed alongside others in a freak helicopter crash. The US presidential election (unknown results) The murder hornets coming the US. And of course we can’t forget Coronavirus.
COVID-19 started in Wuhan, China by someone eating a bat JK It was most likely created in a lab. It spread around China and into other surrounding areas. At this time I had no concern and would even joke about it coming into the US and into Maryland. But I wasn’t long until cases popped up everywhere and began to be a real threat. Nothing to joke about now. It was all that was talked about in school the last week or so before we left for who knows how long. Teachers started to prepare for the what ifs and took precautionary safety measures. Until March, Friday the 13th, not to be superstitious but kinda, we left school for what was supposed to be 2 weeks. We took everything home, empty lockers were all that was left. Online school began. We didn’t know how long we would be home for. Hand sanitizer and toilet paper were not to be found anywhere. The news was constantly on; hearing about new cases in the US and predictions about the future. Waiting for Governor Hogan to come on and tell us when we could go back to normal, but it didn’t happen. The date to go back to school kept getting pushed back until the rest of the year was cancelled for good. Maryland went into lockdown, nothing but the essentials open and face masks for all. 
NO seeing friends or family. I went from seeing my grandparents every week for dinner to not at all. All I wanted was a hug but that was not allowed. I got outside more often, for hikes and adventures in the woods. I worked out more too which was a good thing. Everyone was at home and I began to get annoyed with everyone. Fighting with my sister and my mom always telling me what to do. The feeling of being cramped inside with the same people everyday for months is definitely not the best. I found creative ways to stay busy and entertained while being at home. The amount of school work also helped keep me distracted. Waking up early most days and signing into school and going class by class to see what work I had for the day. Had a couple class microsoft teams meetings which were always awkward and boring. Teachers definitely didn’t hold back on giving work. I maintained pretty good grades during this time. I learned how to communicate with teachers better and I got used to being online. But by the end of the year I was kinda tired of it and just wanted to be done. I’m currently just 2 days away from the end of the year. Finally! Life has been boring and strange. I felt like I was repeating the same day over and over again. Dejavoo but in a bad way. I didn’t go into public for like 2 months which was strange and the grocery stores were weird. You could only go one way down the aisles and there was someone at the door to make sure there weren’t too many people in the store at a time. Not being able to tell people’s expressions under the mask always made me uneasy for some reason. The world was disconnected for the first time in forever it seemed like. Everyone turned to social media to communicate and relied on it more than ever.
I think this summer will also be strange. Things have started to open back up now but not all the way and people are still going to be paranoid. There is also the threat of Corona coming back even worse in the fall. I hope summer will still be good, because I have been looking forward to it forever. They have also talked about not starting school on time next year which would really suck.
Currently protests are breaking out all over the country and world for the Black Lives Matter Movement. This started with murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis. Burning down buildings and looting stores, tear gas and rubber bullets, a fight for rights. Every state in the US has had a protest, not all were violent. The outcome of this situation is still unknown. 
Also I saw my first rocket launch ever. NASA and SpaceX sent people up to the International Space Station which was amazing. I watched footage of the space walk, too, and was intrigued by it all. 
Honestly nothing surprises me anymore and I am just waiting for more to come, I mean we are only half way through the year and all this has already happened. 
- K Bye

Friday, May 29, 2020

More Notes

  •  Heir to throne is Caesar's adopted son Octavian
    • Octavian takes over at 18 
    • starts The Second Triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus 
    • Octavian makes Lepidus to retire
    • Octavian and Mark Antony become rivals
      • Mark Antony works together with Cleopatra (Egypt)
      • Octavian defeats them at the Battle of Actium
  • Octavian is the unchallenged ruler of Rome
    • Given the name "Augustus" (Exalted One)
      • Great military commander
    • Rome is now an empire, not republic
  • Octavian ruled from  27 BC to AD 14
    • He began Pax Romana
      • Pax Romana lasted 207 years (27 BC- AD 180)
  •  Had many accomplishes 
    • Expanded Roman Empire into Africa
    • Set up civil service 
      • Built roads
      •  taxes
      • postal service
      • grain supply
      • Built aqueducts + buildings
      • Sett up police department
      •  fire-fighters
  •  Death lead to the age of Emperors
    • Good and bad
  • Tiberius 
    • ruled from AD 14- AD 37
    • Excellent general
    • The death of his son caused him to exile himself from Rome
    • Died at age 77
  • Caligula 
    • ruled  AD 37 to AD 41 
    • Won a power struggle after Tiberius' death
    • Cruel tyrant
    • He was assassinated 
      •  were trying to reestablish the Republic (It didn't work)
  • Claudius 
    • ruled from AD 41- AD 54
    • Suffered from many disabilities (A limp, Stammering, Shaking, Slobbering)
    • Took over bc he was the last adult male in the family
    • Good ruler
      • Built roads, aqueducts, and canals
      • He tarted the conquest of Britain
    • Died bc of poisoning 
      • His wife wanted her son Nero to rise to power
  • Nero 
    • ruled from 54- 68
    • Big fire happened in 64
    •  wanted to rebuild Rome
      • He overspent then raided temples for money

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


I will be taking the test with section 202 on June 2, at 8:00-8:50 am.


  • Tried to keep plebs from revoting
    • free grain and circuses to keep them happy
  • Tiberius Graccus saw advantages to courting plebs
    • gave them land that military had conquered
  • Julius Caesar 
    • 100-44 BC
    • Good general
    • Conquered Gaul
    • Made common people happy
    • Also was liked by the upper class
  • Pompey, Crassus, Julius formed triumvirate (3 leaders)
  • Caesar served as consul for 1 year 
  • Makes himself governor of Gaul 
  • Pompey gets jealous, becomes rival
    • Armies fight 
    • Caesar wins
    • Named dictator of Rome for life
      • Granted citizenship
      • Expanded the Senate
      • Jobs for poor (public works projects)
      • more money for soldiers
      • started colonies with those without land could own property
  • Assassination
    • Senators saw Caesars rise in power as threat
    • stabbed him 23 times
    • Senators weren't punished
    • Octavian became heir to the throne 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay Choice

​C. Describe how the creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy and culture.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


  • When Rome expanded the gap between rich and poor expanded and caused problems in society
  • By 100 BC enslaved people made up 1/3 of Rome's population 
  • Small farms couldn't compete so they were sold to large estates and the farmers lost their homes and were jobless
  • Tiberius and Gaius were 2 brothers that tried to help poor Roman citizens
    • They proposed laws that limited the amount of land that wealthy people could own and gave some land to the poor
    • They made many wealthy people angry and had violent deaths
    • Tiberius in 133 BC and Gaius in 121 BC
  • A period of Civil War followed their deaths
  • The republic grew unstable and military generals started taking power for themselves
  • In 60 BC a military leader named Julius Caesar joined forces with Crassus and Pompey and he was elected consul in 59 BC
    • He was a strong leader and good military strategist 
  • Had power for a year and then became governor of Gaul
  • Rome ordered that Caesar return home because he was too powerful but he defied them and marched towards Rome with his army
  • He had the support of Rome when he returned and he became dictator for life
  • He made many reforms
    • Granted citizenship to many romans 
    • expanded the senate and made allies
    • created jobs for the poor
    • created colonies fro people without homes and gave them land
  • Some nobles feared his influence and power
  • Marcus Brutus, and Gaius Cassius plotted his murder and Caesar was killed on March 15, 44 BC
  • After his death civil war broke out and ruined the republic
  • Caesar's nephew/adopted son, Octavian took power with Mark Antony and Lepidus
  • They eventually got jealous of each other and split up
  • Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra while in Egypt
    • Octavian defeated their forces 
    • He became ruler of Rome and took the name of Augustus
  • From the beginning of his rule Rome flourished, Pax Romana (207 years)
    • Rome was over 3 million square miles, 60-80 million people
    • Stable gov, new buildings, food, postal system, taxes, civil service
    • Died in AD 14
  • Big agriculture industry 
  • trading was important 
  • diverse society
  • Slavery was a large part of society
    • 1/3 of pop was slaves
    • worked in city and farms
  • Triumvirate- three leaders working together

Friday, May 15, 2020

Punic Wars

The Punic Wars was fought between Rome and Carthage. There were three separate wars in this time. The wars lasted from 264 B.C. to 146 B.C.. The first war was from 264 B.C. to 241 B.C. and it was a naval battle where Rome and Carthage were fighting over Sicily. Rome won this war and the second one that went from 218 B.C. to 201 B.C. In the second war, Hannibal, Carthage's general tried to cross the Alps with and army and elephants to attach Rome from the North but much of his army died and they were defeated. The third war lasted from 149 B.C. to 146 B.C. Rome wanted to completely destroy Carthage and they burned down the whole territory. The people of Carthage were sold into slavery and the war was finally over.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Rome's tyrant leaders

In Ancient Rome there was a tyrant named Tarquin. When he took control of Rome he was extremely harsh and forced people to follow his beliefs of tyranny. When his grandfather died, his widow appointed Servius Tullias as the new king. One of the daughters killed her husband and sister so that she could marry Tarquin. She convinces Tarquin to kill her father and take the throne. Once in power he was a cenacle leader. His son, Sextus is involved in a scandal and blackmails a girl named, Lucretia and threatens to kill her. She goes along but later tells her family about it. The people of Rome found out and were upset and they kicked Tarquin and his family out of Rome. Rome decided to never become a tyranny ever again. They went over to a system with 2 consuls, kind of like a president. And there government had a legislative branch and a senate like the us. They also had something simian to the judicial branch.