Tuesday, May 19, 2020


  • When Rome expanded the gap between rich and poor expanded and caused problems in society
  • By 100 BC enslaved people made up 1/3 of Rome's population 
  • Small farms couldn't compete so they were sold to large estates and the farmers lost their homes and were jobless
  • Tiberius and Gaius were 2 brothers that tried to help poor Roman citizens
    • They proposed laws that limited the amount of land that wealthy people could own and gave some land to the poor
    • They made many wealthy people angry and had violent deaths
    • Tiberius in 133 BC and Gaius in 121 BC
  • A period of Civil War followed their deaths
  • The republic grew unstable and military generals started taking power for themselves
  • In 60 BC a military leader named Julius Caesar joined forces with Crassus and Pompey and he was elected consul in 59 BC
    • He was a strong leader and good military strategist 
  • Had power for a year and then became governor of Gaul
  • Rome ordered that Caesar return home because he was too powerful but he defied them and marched towards Rome with his army
  • He had the support of Rome when he returned and he became dictator for life
  • He made many reforms
    • Granted citizenship to many romans 
    • expanded the senate and made allies
    • created jobs for the poor
    • created colonies fro people without homes and gave them land
  • Some nobles feared his influence and power
  • Marcus Brutus, and Gaius Cassius plotted his murder and Caesar was killed on March 15, 44 BC
  • After his death civil war broke out and ruined the republic
  • Caesar's nephew/adopted son, Octavian took power with Mark Antony and Lepidus
  • They eventually got jealous of each other and split up
  • Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra while in Egypt
    • Octavian defeated their forces 
    • He became ruler of Rome and took the name of Augustus
  • From the beginning of his rule Rome flourished, Pax Romana (207 years)
    • Rome was over 3 million square miles, 60-80 million people
    • Stable gov, new buildings, food, postal system, taxes, civil service
    • Died in AD 14
  • Big agriculture industry 
  • trading was important 
  • diverse society
  • Slavery was a large part of society
    • 1/3 of pop was slaves
    • worked in city and farms
  • Triumvirate- three leaders working together

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