Friday, May 29, 2020

More Notes

  •  Heir to throne is Caesar's adopted son Octavian
    • Octavian takes over at 18 
    • starts The Second Triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus 
    • Octavian makes Lepidus to retire
    • Octavian and Mark Antony become rivals
      • Mark Antony works together with Cleopatra (Egypt)
      • Octavian defeats them at the Battle of Actium
  • Octavian is the unchallenged ruler of Rome
    • Given the name "Augustus" (Exalted One)
      • Great military commander
    • Rome is now an empire, not republic
  • Octavian ruled from  27 BC to AD 14
    • He began Pax Romana
      • Pax Romana lasted 207 years (27 BC- AD 180)
  •  Had many accomplishes 
    • Expanded Roman Empire into Africa
    • Set up civil service 
      • Built roads
      •  taxes
      • postal service
      • grain supply
      • Built aqueducts + buildings
      • Sett up police department
      •  fire-fighters
  •  Death lead to the age of Emperors
    • Good and bad
  • Tiberius 
    • ruled from AD 14- AD 37
    • Excellent general
    • The death of his son caused him to exile himself from Rome
    • Died at age 77
  • Caligula 
    • ruled  AD 37 to AD 41 
    • Won a power struggle after Tiberius' death
    • Cruel tyrant
    • He was assassinated 
      •  were trying to reestablish the Republic (It didn't work)
  • Claudius 
    • ruled from AD 41- AD 54
    • Suffered from many disabilities (A limp, Stammering, Shaking, Slobbering)
    • Took over bc he was the last adult male in the family
    • Good ruler
      • Built roads, aqueducts, and canals
      • He tarted the conquest of Britain
    • Died bc of poisoning 
      • His wife wanted her son Nero to rise to power
  • Nero 
    • ruled from 54- 68
    • Big fire happened in 64
    •  wanted to rebuild Rome
      • He overspent then raided temples for money

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