Monday, May 11, 2020

Rome's tyrant leaders

In Ancient Rome there was a tyrant named Tarquin. When he took control of Rome he was extremely harsh and forced people to follow his beliefs of tyranny. When his grandfather died, his widow appointed Servius Tullias as the new king. One of the daughters killed her husband and sister so that she could marry Tarquin. She convinces Tarquin to kill her father and take the throne. Once in power he was a cenacle leader. His son, Sextus is involved in a scandal and blackmails a girl named, Lucretia and threatens to kill her. She goes along but later tells her family about it. The people of Rome found out and were upset and they kicked Tarquin and his family out of Rome. Rome decided to never become a tyranny ever again. They went over to a system with 2 consuls, kind of like a president. And there government had a legislative branch and a senate like the us. They also had something simian to the judicial branch.

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