Wednesday, May 27, 2020


I will be taking the test with section 202 on June 2, at 8:00-8:50 am.


  • Tried to keep plebs from revoting
    • free grain and circuses to keep them happy
  • Tiberius Graccus saw advantages to courting plebs
    • gave them land that military had conquered
  • Julius Caesar 
    • 100-44 BC
    • Good general
    • Conquered Gaul
    • Made common people happy
    • Also was liked by the upper class
  • Pompey, Crassus, Julius formed triumvirate (3 leaders)
  • Caesar served as consul for 1 year 
  • Makes himself governor of Gaul 
  • Pompey gets jealous, becomes rival
    • Armies fight 
    • Caesar wins
    • Named dictator of Rome for life
      • Granted citizenship
      • Expanded the Senate
      • Jobs for poor (public works projects)
      • more money for soldiers
      • started colonies with those without land could own property
  • Assassination
    • Senators saw Caesars rise in power as threat
    • stabbed him 23 times
    • Senators weren't punished
    • Octavian became heir to the throne 

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