Monday, March 30, 2020

Personal Essay

Cyber school day #15

Today on Mr. Schick's blog he wrote about be accountable for our work in these difficult times and that we need to strive to be good, hard working people in the time of this crisis. I agree with everything that he wrote. This is a confusing time for everyone and we all have to hold ourselves to the same standards as before, so that we can get through it. 
I think that at this time everyone, teachers and students, have to understand that all of this is new. We all have to understand that it is a difficult transition from our "normal". I would hope that teachers realize that their students are adjusting to online school and the increased workload and may need time to get used to this. I was nervous that teachers would have the same standards as they do normally, because I didn't think that I could keep up with it all, but after a couple days I realized that if I stay focused and worked hard I can still do the same work that I would normally. Its hard to put the same effort in, but I know that I have to in order to maintain a good grade and not fall behind on assignments. Even though everyone should continue to work hard, teachers should be patient with students because completing all of the online assignments can be a difficult task. Students should also be patient with teachers, if they don't respond to emails quickly or make mistakes. We all are still getting used to this, but we also have to strive to keep doing honest work and trying our best.  If we continue doing these things it will keep us from falling into bad habits that we will have to correct later. The increased workload is hard for everyone so we all need to understand that and work to overcome it instead of letting it pile up and overwhelm us. Its a chaotic time but we will get through it together. It had been hard work keeping up with everything but I still managed to do it, so I think everyone else can too. We shouldn't fall into copying work and submitting assignments that aren't ours, because we wouldn't if we were in school so we should now. If we are patient and understanding with each other, and work hard we can be good people and stay strong in the crisis.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Athens Plague vs COVID-19

Cyber school day # 9

The Athens plague was a highly contagious epidemic that exhibited a pustular rash, high fever, and diarrhea.  COVID-19 is a respiratory virus with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. One similarity is that both of these plagues have a fever and are extremely contagious. The Athens plague was a problem for 3 years and most of the population was infected. As many as 75,000 to 100,000 people, 25% of the city's population died. COVID-19  is a new epidemic and we don't know how long it will last. So far it has infected 491,276 people worldwide. 118, 060 people have covered but 22,165 people have died. The Athens epidemic broke out in early May 430 BC, and had another wave in the summer of 428 BC and in the winter of 427-426 BC. It is predicted that COVID-19 will peak now, slow down in the summer, then comeback harder the fall and winter. The Athens plague spread throughout the Mediterranean. COVID-19 has spread worldwide and affected everyone.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Cyber school day 7:

Phillip II:
Philip II was the king of Macedon from 359 BC until he was murdered in 336 BC. He was a member of the Argead dynasty. He was the son of King Amyntas III of Macedon, and father of Alexander the Great. He was an accomplished king and military commander. Philip inherited a weak country with an ineffective and undisciplined army and turned them into an efficient military force, that controlled the territories around Macedonia as well as Greece.

Alexander the Great:
Alexander the Great was a king of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty. He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of 20. He was a general and his leadership skills allowed him to win many battles. He was tutored by Aristotle. He was king during the wars with Persia and he fought against Darius III. He was successful against Persia and eventually defeated Darius III army.

Darius III:
 Darius III was the last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia. In 336 BC, he took the throne at the age of 43 after the death of Artaxerxes III and Arses. He ruled from 336 BC to 330 BC. His real name was Artashata but he adopted Darius as a dynastic name. He led Persia in the wars against Greece, but lost. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Bucephalus and Alexander the Great

Cyber School day 6

Bucephalus was Alexander the Great's horse and is considered to be the most famous horse in history. He was initially given to King Philip II, Alexander's father, in Macedonia. he was presented to him in 346 BC by Philoneicus of Thessaly. Bucephalus was also very expensive, three times the normal price. He was a tall, black horse and he was wild and could not be tamed by anyone. King Philip ordered them to take Bucephalus away because he was untamed. Alexander was watching in the stands with his mother and stood up and said, “What an excellent horse do they lose for want of address and boldness to manage him.” His father ignored him, but Alexander kept fighting for them to keep Bucephalus. Alexander approached the horse and calmed it down. He took the reins and got on Bucephalus. The horse didn't rear or try to buck him off. When Alexander did this it was a turning point in his life and he gained support from a lot of people. He was the only one who could ride Bucephalus. He rode him into every battle from the conquest of the Greek city-states and Thebes through Gaugamela and into India. After defeating Darius, Bucephalus was kidnapped, and Alexander threatened to kill everyone and destroy the land, and his horse was returned shortly after. Bucephalus died of old age in 326 BC.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cyber School Review

Cyber day #5

So far cyber school has been okay. It has been a lot of work, especially English. Some teachers only give minimal work but others give alotttttt. I have had trouble staying focused in my own house, since there is no one here to make me do my work. There are also a lot of distractions in my house that I don't have at school, like my family and tv and my phone. I also procrastinate, so I have put some things off until night time and I have to rush in order to get them done. I have wanted to go outside more, but I don't always have the time. My grades are still fine, so that's good but I'm not sure how long I can keep them up and that worries me a little. When I'm in class its easier to ask questions and explain stuff but Its hard when your sending an email and to your point across. Some teachers have offered times to Skype and help with things but not often. I'm nervous about how long this will continue because I'm pretty sure its gonna be longer than just 2 weeks. One good thing is that I have more time to turn stuff in that I would in school. I also have liked my gym assignments because they give me a chance to do something other than school work.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Cyber day #3

I think Socrates and others started to question traditional beliefs because of all the terrible things that were happening in Greece at that time. When Pericles died society started to fall apart and people started to fight for power. After the war when the ships came back without picking up the fallen sailors and the citizens and government were angry with them. While the government was trying to charge the captains of the ships with murder and execute them, Socrates used his morals and didn't follow the rest of society. He thought for himself and he realized that it wasn't right for them to execute them. Everyone else in society was going along with the mentality of the state, which was to be brute and fight with violence. Socrates didn't think this was right and he tried to make them believe  that what they were doing wasn't right. He questioned others beliefs because he knew it was wrong for them to kill the captains that had won the battle for them. He had his own beliefs which were different from others and that's why he was persecuted for it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Assignment for cyber day #2

            When Pericles was in power and in charge of Athens he accomplished many great things, but then the Spartans invaded Athenian territory and began burning down fields of crops. The citizens escaped and hid inside the city walls for protection, because Pericles ordered them to. They became anxious but Pericles assured them to stick to his plan. He said that they could survive using the shipments they were getting from overseas. One year into the war the shipments they were getting brought a plague. Everyone was crowed and stuck inside the city so the plague spread very quickly and disease broke out. Dead bodies layed in the streets and people gave up and religion and they didn't listen to the authorities. The Athenian society broke down and people gave up on having good morals. The plague killed over 1/3 of Athens population. Then Pericles got sick. People tried using magic and potions to cure him but it didn't work. After 6 months of being ill he died in 429 BC. His strategy didn't work to save Athens and it only caused death. Pericles was holding Athens together and when he died it fell apart. People tired to fight for power. They tried to do anything the citizens wanted to gain power. They used prejudices to gain support. The democracy fell apart and made Athens unable to fight any wars.

Monday, March 16, 2020


Assignment for cyber day #1:

        Pericles was the leader of Athens from 461 to 429 BC. He led Athens during much of its golden age and he had popular support for 32 years. He was a skillful politician, speaker and a respected general. He had 3 goals for Athens. They were to strengthen its democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire and to glorify Athens. Direct democracy is a state that is ruled by its citizens. The rule is based on citizenship and the majority rule decides the vote. In the agora, citizens argued and made speeches then voted using white stones, meaning yes, and black stones, meaning no. Citizens could implement new policies in order to improve the polis. The Delian League was an organization under the leadership of Athens that controlled all other city-states in Greece. Athens used the money from the league to make its navy the most powerful in the Mediterranean. The money from the Delian League was used to beautify Athens and make it stronger. The league's approval was sometimes overlooked by Pericles, but it helped make Athens the glorified city it was in this time.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Corona time

Hey Bloggggg!!!!!!!!!

Today in class we got new seats. Everyone is spread out sitting every other desk so that we are all in our own little bubbles. We also got new phone pockets so that we won't get anyone else's germs. All class we listen to Mr. Schick talk about the corona virus. He told us the information he has heard from podcasts and stuff. He also told us about how to stay safe and not get sick. We should wash and sanitize our hands frequently and not tough our faces. We should also wipe down surfaces that a lot of people touch. Mr. Schick let people ask questions an the told us not to be scared but I kinda am. Also we don't have school for 2 weeks. Tomorrow is a half day so the teachers can talk about how to do cyber school. We have to clean out our lockers and bring home everything so we can do work from home.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Another video

Hi blog :)

We watched another video today about Greece. Mr. Schick is probably sick :(. Feel better. The video talked about Athens and its accomplishments. The Persians thought Athens was a threat when it started to flourish. There was a big cultural difference between Greece and Persians. freedom vs. slavery. Persians invaded Marathon. There was no standing army in Marathon. Hoplites helped fight. Athenians had little chance to win. Phidipidees ran for help all the way to Sparta. Became a legend. Ran 140 miles in 2 days. Help was refused :( Athens had to fight alone. Greeks still ended up winning. Broke up Persian army. Democracy survived. Themisticles was an Athenian general. Didn't come from aristocracy. He was one of history's greatest leaders. Trireme was a fighting boat. 170 men on 3 levels. Fast! Used ti ram the enemies ship. Good but expensive. Greeks found silver. Themisticles wanted to use it to build more ships. Wanted to use them against Persian but told people they would use them against a rival city state. Xerxes took over after Persian king died (his father). Wanted to avenge is father. 2 million men army. Attacked Greece. Athenians were scared, Went to the oracle Delphi. Wanted to know what to do in order to save themselves. The oracle told them to run away. Themisticles didn't panic. Got second prophecy from the oracle. Themisticles evacuated Athens. Women and children went to another city state. men went to fight. Persians went into Athens and burned it. Persians has a fleet 4x of Athens. Themisticles wanted to defeat the Persians at sea. Sent a fake traitor to Xerxes. Told him the Athenians were going to flee. Persians thought they were going to win. They went into the Straights. Couldn't move. Athens trapped them and won. Persians retreated. Athens grew and democracy improved. Delian League: Alliance of Greek States. Voting with stones. Once a year ostracized someone that they voted on. Themisticles became harsh, and was voted to be ostracized. Became a wanderer, traveling around Greece. Athens needed a leader, Pericles was chosen. Greece flourished during this time. Strengthened democracy. He was born into an elite family. Pericles rebuilt the acropolis. A new parthenon for Athena. Very expensive! More than a billion dollars today. Built in in 15 years.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ancient Greece Video

Hey Blog!!!

Today Mr. Schick wasn't in class so we had Dr. Gallen as a sub. We watched a video called The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization. Here are the notes that I took:

  • Cleisthenes was born around 570 BC
    • born into one of the richest families in Greece
    • his family was called the alchemy onits
    • it was a political dynasty
  • Herodotus said that Cleisthenes grandfather performed a favor for a king named Croesus
    • In return he got gold
    • he took as much gold as possible
  • Aristocrats controlled Athens in 6th Century BC
  • Athens was built around the acropolis 
    • houses were made out of mud brick
    • Most men worked in the fields
    • women did household chores
    • reading and writing was rare
    • life expectancy was less than 15
    • tough life
    • not equal society
  • Greece was divided into city sates
    • not unified
  • Corinthians dominated greek trade
  • Sparta had military power
    • conquered a lot of Greece
    • Helots worked in the fields for the Spartans 
  • Greeks told stories
    • passed poetry over generations
  • Achilles was a greek hero
    • died early
    • model for cleisthenes 
  • Greece became tyranny when a man came into town and said he had Athena's support to rule over Athens
    • he was welcomed by Athenians
    • turned to ordinary citizens for support
    • reduced taxes
    • offered free loans
    • farming excellerated 
      • olives
      • exported around the Mediterranean 
      • wealth from trading
  • Low class people were potters
    • made vases/pots
    • pottery was important 

Friday, March 6, 2020

POP Quiz

Hey Blog!!!!

Today we reviewed the slides on greek gods and goddesses and the slides on the greek philosophers. David stood up front and talked about the slides. After that we took a pop quiz. It had 10 questions and we had 10 seconds to answer each of them. It was pretty easy but I got one question wrong about the Persian Wars. Maybe this quiz will raise my grade a little. We also watched a clip of the show the Good Place about philosophy. I'm also very excited that today is Friday!

Thursday, March 5, 2020



  • looked into science and logic (not mythical gods)
  • The socratic method fostered critical thinking 
  • "the unexamined life is not worth living"
  • Socrates was charged with serious crimes
    • Impiety (disrespecting the gods)
    • corrupting the youth of Athens
  • found guilty by Athenian jury (didn't deny it)
    • sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock
  • Student and follower of socrates 
  • he wrote down his teachings
  • Apology
  • Republic
    • Allegory of the cave
  • A student of Plato a the Academy
  • Athens is an intellectual destination
  • Focused on cooperative research 
  • tutored Alexander the Great

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

More about Greece

hey blog!

Here are my notes from today:
  • Athens had a great infantry but their navy was very powerful
  • Most effective weapon was the trireme 
    • technological marvel
    • fastest ship in the world at that time
    • powered by up to 170 men on 3 levels
    • could be used as a bettering ram
    • agile, fast
  • The phalanx
    • close rank defense grouping of warriors 
    • armed with long spears and interlocking shields
    • advance slowly toward enemy unit they broke through their enemy
  • Persian Wars
    • Persians have a huge army, near unlimited resources
    • Greece is a lot smaller
  • Greek Army:
    • iron weapons
    • foot soldiers (hoplites) trained from an early age
    • armed with spears, swords, and shields
    • Phalanx formation
    • home field advantage
    • motivated to preserve democracy
  • Persian Army:
    • first archers (damage from a distance)
    • cavalry (disrupt communication between general and soldiers)
    • lightly armored infantry (carried spear, sword, and bow)
    • huge numbers
    • long way from home
    • professional army (soldiers for hire/mercenaries)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Getting the tests back

Hey blog!

Today we had free time during class in the beginning, because David had to take the test. I took notes during that time on the greek gods and goddesses, such as Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and Athena. The gods had contact with humans regularly, which makes them different from other the other gods from other civilizations. I didn't get to the part in the power point that talks about Greeks fighting and stuff. I got a 93 on the test and it brought my grade up to an 87.77. I'm getting closer to an A so yayyyy! We also went over the test in class and I only got 3 questions wrong so that's pretty good. I got all the labeling right on the map, which I am surprised about because I thought I was going to get some of it wrong. I am excited to learn more about Greece.