Monday, March 16, 2020


Assignment for cyber day #1:

        Pericles was the leader of Athens from 461 to 429 BC. He led Athens during much of its golden age and he had popular support for 32 years. He was a skillful politician, speaker and a respected general. He had 3 goals for Athens. They were to strengthen its democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire and to glorify Athens. Direct democracy is a state that is ruled by its citizens. The rule is based on citizenship and the majority rule decides the vote. In the agora, citizens argued and made speeches then voted using white stones, meaning yes, and black stones, meaning no. Citizens could implement new policies in order to improve the polis. The Delian League was an organization under the leadership of Athens that controlled all other city-states in Greece. Athens used the money from the league to make its navy the most powerful in the Mediterranean. The money from the Delian League was used to beautify Athens and make it stronger. The league's approval was sometimes overlooked by Pericles, but it helped make Athens the glorified city it was in this time.

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