Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ancient Greece Video

Hey Blog!!!

Today Mr. Schick wasn't in class so we had Dr. Gallen as a sub. We watched a video called The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization. Here are the notes that I took:

  • Cleisthenes was born around 570 BC
    • born into one of the richest families in Greece
    • his family was called the alchemy onits
    • it was a political dynasty
  • Herodotus said that Cleisthenes grandfather performed a favor for a king named Croesus
    • In return he got gold
    • he took as much gold as possible
  • Aristocrats controlled Athens in 6th Century BC
  • Athens was built around the acropolis 
    • houses were made out of mud brick
    • Most men worked in the fields
    • women did household chores
    • reading and writing was rare
    • life expectancy was less than 15
    • tough life
    • not equal society
  • Greece was divided into city sates
    • not unified
  • Corinthians dominated greek trade
  • Sparta had military power
    • conquered a lot of Greece
    • Helots worked in the fields for the Spartans 
  • Greeks told stories
    • passed poetry over generations
  • Achilles was a greek hero
    • died early
    • model for cleisthenes 
  • Greece became tyranny when a man came into town and said he had Athena's support to rule over Athens
    • he was welcomed by Athenians
    • turned to ordinary citizens for support
    • reduced taxes
    • offered free loans
    • farming excellerated 
      • olives
      • exported around the Mediterranean 
      • wealth from trading
  • Low class people were potters
    • made vases/pots
    • pottery was important 

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