Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How do geographers describe where things are?


Today we talked about the different ways that geographers are able to describe where things are located on Earth. Geographers can describe the location of a place by site. Site is the physical characteristics of a place. Some important characteristics are climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, and elevation. These factors are important when choosing land to live on. The factors that the land has to have depends on what the land is going to be used for. The land can also be modified by humans for their on purposes. This modification has been seen in Manhattan, New York. More land was created by filling parts of the Hudson River and also by sinking old ship and piling stuff on top of them to bring it up to above sea level, where they could build on it. Many places are also being used very efficiently by building in a small space, but putting a few very tall buildings there instead of multiple normal buildings.

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