Thursday, September 19, 2019


Hi blog!

Mercator Map:

  • Was made in 1569
  • Created by Gerardus Mercator
  • It was mainly used for sailors and other sea farers
  • Its preferred by navigators because the ship can sail in a constant direction to reach its destination, eliminating difficult and error-prone course corrections. 
  • It is not accurate because it doesn't show the correct size of places
  • Linear scale is constant on the Mercator in every direction around any point
    • Greenland appears the same size as Africa, when in reality Africa's area is 14x greater.
    • Africa also appears to be roughly the same size as South America, when in reality Africa is more than 1.5x as large.
    • Russia appears to be 4x the size of the United States, but is really only about twice the size; comparable to the size of South America.
Peter's Map:
  • A rectangular map projection that maps all areas such that they have the correct sizes relative to each other.
  • The projection is named after James Gall and Arno Peters
  • Was made in 1985
  • It is more accurate than the Mercator Map

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